Jesus followed the law, and was a joyful Jew.
He walked this walk because he knew
That these laws weren't meant for just the chosen few.
He was privy to the knowledge of the ages;
He had probably studied with many great sages,
And of the world's scriptures, he knew all the pages.
He knew that we were meant to live in peace,
Every part of creation, rock, man, and beast
And that the image of The Almighty is clearest in the least.
Every bit of creation holds a bit of The Light.
That fills all the universe with pure delight
Until others convince us that their might makes them right.
Instead of celebrating pure joy, we pursue pleasure and pain;
Fearfully, we wait for The Light to come again.
But our connection to The Almighty already is like the rain.
The Light permeates our souls, our bodies, and our minds.
Those who turn away, choose to be left behind
Because they prefer earthly pleasures to The Joy of The Divine.
The path of The Light is an unbroken loop.
By the blessings of Love we are given the fruit
Of Wisdom which makes names for The Almighty moot.
We are not The Light, but The Light is in us;
The Light does not suffer from jealousy and lust;
We reclaim The Joy as we reclaim our childlike trust.