I wish I could say that yesterday, I nailed my selfishness to the cross and that tomorrow I'll be a Sacred Spiritual being without a body to keep leading my spirit astray. I wish that all the scars on my psyche would only be a memory, and that all the wounds I've inflicted on others had simply disappeared, leaving in their places holy communion with all whose lives I've touched and by whom I've been touched.
Perhaps if I had died physically yesterday, this may all be true, but I am still a physical being. It matters not how much of The Sacred Spirit I have in me; I still have human needs. Even Jesus, who had a huge amount of The Sacred Spirit in his human manifestation needed food, drink, friendships, and time to himself. And Jesus made it clear that while he was willing to suffer and die with us for the resolution of the sins we commit against The Sacred Spirit in physical manifestations, he also made it clear that we owe each other healing of wounds that we have inflicted. He did not remove the thieves from their crosses; he allowed them to make restitution to their society by their deaths.
How do we go about resurrecting relationships that have been mortally wounded, other than by withdrawing our physical selves and hoping that The Sacred Spirit that we've shared eventually overcomes the pain the the relationships produced. There is always an empty spot in a soul that loses the physical presence of a deeply loved one in this earthly life. We seek to fill the emptiness with something; we often fill it with anger or even hatred. The struggle is to lose the physical pleasure of the person and to consciously focus on filling the soul with The Sacred Spirit of the person that you've so loved and by whom you've been loved.
Imagine the strength of The Sacred Spirit Jesus shared in his lifetime on earth that when he asked his friends to keep his spirit burning in their souls and lives to share with others, The Sacred Spirit is still growing over two thousand years later. I hope the strength of my shared spark of The Sacred Spirit can salve the pain I've caused. I will probably miss the physical presence of many of my most loved ones, as long as I inhabit this body, but never will I lose The Sacred Spirit that they shared with me.
Perhaps if I had died physically yesterday, this may all be true, but I am still a physical being. It matters not how much of The Sacred Spirit I have in me; I still have human needs. Even Jesus, who had a huge amount of The Sacred Spirit in his human manifestation needed food, drink, friendships, and time to himself. And Jesus made it clear that while he was willing to suffer and die with us for the resolution of the sins we commit against The Sacred Spirit in physical manifestations, he also made it clear that we owe each other healing of wounds that we have inflicted. He did not remove the thieves from their crosses; he allowed them to make restitution to their society by their deaths.
How do we go about resurrecting relationships that have been mortally wounded, other than by withdrawing our physical selves and hoping that The Sacred Spirit that we've shared eventually overcomes the pain the the relationships produced. There is always an empty spot in a soul that loses the physical presence of a deeply loved one in this earthly life. We seek to fill the emptiness with something; we often fill it with anger or even hatred. The struggle is to lose the physical pleasure of the person and to consciously focus on filling the soul with The Sacred Spirit of the person that you've so loved and by whom you've been loved.
Imagine the strength of The Sacred Spirit Jesus shared in his lifetime on earth that when he asked his friends to keep his spirit burning in their souls and lives to share with others, The Sacred Spirit is still growing over two thousand years later. I hope the strength of my shared spark of The Sacred Spirit can salve the pain I've caused. I will probably miss the physical presence of many of my most loved ones, as long as I inhabit this body, but never will I lose The Sacred Spirit that they shared with me.