Saturday, January 28, 2012

What Does The Holy Spirit Look Like to You?

Most modern, educated people accept that all history is an interpretation of events by itse tellers, writers and translators. How is it that we can't admit this about the bible accounts without quaking in our boots? (St.) Augustine believed that the story of Genesis was allegorical; how could he believe otherwise when Genesis 1 and 2 give two different descriptions of the creation of Eve?

If we all understood the exact same thing from reading any historical account, we'd still believe that it's acceptable to own other human beings.If we all understood the exact same thing from reading any historical account, we wouldn't need bible studies and preachers, or professors in different disciplines to help us interpret long-ago events in order to apply them to our modern world.

The old model of education was based on rote repetition of an accepted body of "facts." In a global nuclear-powered world, we realize that we must be open to new information coming in at an incredible rate in order to stay alive, physically and mentally. The new information is based on the old, but seen through many complex facets. If we don't honor the old, we continue to walk in the same circles back to past failures, but we cannot continue to be afraid of the new input.
Living history is history that is looked at from many angles, by many people, in different world circumstances. As we become more enlightened, we can see different facets of the same sentences. Our language is a living, evolving thing. There are always new words based on new discoveries and insights.

We now know that not all plants or animals are limited only to being "he" or "she." There are many variations in the amounts of gender-producing hormones in individual creatures. While we were taught "rules" about what makes an animal a mammal, we were also taught that there are exceptions in those rules. One of my granddaughters (then eleven years old) and I once had a spirited discussion on where plants and animals cross the lines of absolute classification into one or the other.

My manifestations of The Almighty allow for many exceptions to the "rule" of God always appearing only as a male. What does The Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Holiness, The Spirit of Wholeness) look like to you?