Living in the moment is the most important thing we can do;
It seems to be an easy effort for only a very few.
How can a mother enjoy the first steps of her beloved child,
When they live in a world where dangers runs wild?
Upon giving a child birth, some parents discover
That there is no community to assist the tired mothers.
Is divorce and shared custody society's answer
To the stresses that eat our Sacred Spirits like a cancer?
It is true there are many mothers without dispositions
That enable them to serve well in mothering missions.
The act of giving birth doesn't a parent make;
We must honor parenting partnerships for the children's sake.
Many grew up in households with hired assistants,
Where the true homemaker received unfair recompense.
When we truly value our children, we will pay living wages
To those who bring our children successfully through stages.
How many expect of servants what they themselves can't do?
Multitasking teaching and parenting is mastered by only a few.
How many will joyfully teach and feed a child not their own,
Knowing they have their own responsibilities at home?
We must stop allowing the bullies to hold fear over us,
And into a world of competition, by their rules, continue the thrust.
When we choose to spend our lives in fear's company
We are certain not to have, to share with others, serenity.
Serenity is the only way to see the truly Sacred Spirit,
When we live lives of fear and stress, we can't hear it.
When we decide how much to pay a person, we should ask,
"What would I charge to accomplish the same task?"
Perhaps in this new era of so many "mister moms,"
We'll understand where real parenting comes from.
Paying back the dedication and immense energy
Should be each progenitor's responsibility.
When we look at money as a symbol of fair barter,
We'll share our largess, instead of creating martyrs.
We will weigh the value of each person's contributions
In securing the futures of our daughters and our sons.
In areas where community property laws are the rule,
Parents with children must share financial tools.
But our society continues to allow caretakers' abuse;
Family assets should be held in trusts for caretakers' use.
Perhaps in domestic contracts, there should be a clause
To put assets in trust for each birth the couple will cause.
To those with no assets, we should insist on birth control;
Only a safe community protects a child's body and soul.
If we created for each child and their caretakers a trust,
We would insure that our children's futures come first.
If this sacred trust was the first priority of income tax,
Perhaps our children would grow with Sacred Spirits intact.