Monday, March 28, 2011

Our Country, Compassion and Christ

In observing the way our country behaves after we win a foreign war, I am proud. It is true that sometimes we have to push back against evil, but we seek to repair the wounds of our wars in other countries. Why are we still so unwilling to do the same on our own soil?

Can't we see that we can't go back to the days before our enlightenment regarding other races, creeds, religions, and gender differences? Those who attempt to bring us back to a rule of fear must be ignored as we stand together in a circle of Light and Love and look always toward creating justice.

The collective resistance in the countries with the most despotic leaders gives me a new sense of hope for eventual peace on earth to those of good will. If there is any lesson that we most desperately need to learn from Biblical religion, it's that marching together against something is not the same as standing together for something. Standing for their values and their people was the way of Moses and Jesus. It was also the real power behind women's suffrage, civil rights, the right to choose how to profess one's patriotism, and the renewal of the individual's path to the Spirit of The Divine.

I grew up with a punishing God who seemed to most closely resemble the earthly kings who used fear to keep their subjects in line. Fear as a method of controlling people extended to all relationships; the biggest bullies would always win. Little-by-little, since my adolescence, we seem to be moving toward a gentler view of The Almighty. Unfortunately, we now seem to be frozen in place as to how to behave toward one another.

In seeking peace, love, and brotherhood, we may have stopped passing such quick judgments on each other, but we seem to have lost all judgment in general (that which used to be called "common sense"). It seems to me that there is ample scripture in all religions that give guidance for how to live in harmony with our earth and fellow humans, but we like to pretend that we can each do as we please and there will be no consequence outside of our own life and time. Even in love, there are still immutable laws.

What I reap, either I, or the generations that follow me, will surely sow. This is simply the way the circle of life works. When will we learn that there is enough to go around only if we each exercise our talents and the human ability to say no to ourselves in order to keep life in balance for all?

Protest, prayer, and love, only bear fruit when put into action. There is no earthly power that can prevail when those who see The Light put circles of Light and Love around the vulnerable instead of allowing the despots to continue punishing those who still haven't found their footing in the post-patriarchal world. When will we realize that unless I'm willing to stand with you as we together address the issues of injustice, there is no benefit to me pointing out the error of your ways, or the ways of the rest of the world.

Moses and Jesus taught by words and deeds while tending to the very human needs of their followers. Jesus was a man who followed the laws of his forefathers while promoting compassion and justice for even the least law abiding among men and women. He also made it clear that we were to make amends to those we harmed. I am encouraged when I see those who call themselves followers of Christ stop finding fault and form protective circles shining with the Light of Love that they follow. The only evangelism that is honest is that which comes with compassionate action, and it is the only way to cure hatred and fear.

We are One in The Spirit

copyright 1966 Peter Scholte, F.E.L. (licensed)
(Italics mine)

We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored.

And they'll know we are Christians by our Love,
By our Love,
Yes they'll know we are Christians by our Love.

We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
And we'll guard each person's dignity
And save each person's pride.

And they'll know we are Christians by our Love,
By our Love,
Yes they'll know we are Christians by our Love.

We will walk with each other,
We will walk hand in hand.
We will walk with each other,
We will walk hand in hand.
And together we'll spread the News
that The Holy Spirit's in our land.