We are all priests as we honor each moment,
And make sacred each moment to which we are born.
Mindfulness is the method by which we worship,
The Universal Energy manifested in physical form.
Sacred Spirit is not limited by time, form, or space;
It is possible in all that we are and that we perceive,
Like a shape-shifter, one moment as a flower,
And at another, the baby sacred sex has conceived.
The Sacred Spirit, as held in bondage by religion,
Worship being denial of the abundance of earth,
Has stripped humanity of awe in physical creation,
Making sinful our own perfectly innocent births.
They have replaced compassion with judgement,
Preaching earthly perfection of their own design.
They imagine some vocations as wages of sin,
Their leisure as signs that they pleased the divine.
Collaborative work seems to be the only heaven,
All the earth honoring the contributions of others.
Isn't it time that we go back to the beginning,
Before competition between sisters and brothers?
What we call the knowledge of good and evil
May be the advent of jealousy and competition.
Humans can choose to reclaim collaboration
Before we create our own earthly oblivion.
We must stop believing that a few will survive,
When our lack of compassion destroys our earth.
All creation is interdependently formed,
Giving each creature equal intrinsic worth.
It is impossible for anyone to predict which action
Will tip The Eternal Universal scale to its end.
I prefer to live each day as if it is my last,
And treat each life form as a trusted friend.
I am ready and willing to become cosmic dust
That nourishes other life forms in the universe.
My personal metamorphosis of matter
Seems to be the reason I was given birth.
I have no dreams about how my energy evolves,
As I had no control over the form I was given.
I only work to bend my aura toward the positive,
And contribute this energy toward universal heaven.
And make sacred each moment to which we are born.
Mindfulness is the method by which we worship,
The Universal Energy manifested in physical form.
Sacred Spirit is not limited by time, form, or space;
It is possible in all that we are and that we perceive,
Like a shape-shifter, one moment as a flower,
And at another, the baby sacred sex has conceived.
The Sacred Spirit, as held in bondage by religion,
Worship being denial of the abundance of earth,
Has stripped humanity of awe in physical creation,
Making sinful our own perfectly innocent births.
They have replaced compassion with judgement,
Preaching earthly perfection of their own design.
They imagine some vocations as wages of sin,
Their leisure as signs that they pleased the divine.
Collaborative work seems to be the only heaven,
All the earth honoring the contributions of others.
Isn't it time that we go back to the beginning,
Before competition between sisters and brothers?
What we call the knowledge of good and evil
May be the advent of jealousy and competition.
Humans can choose to reclaim collaboration
Before we create our own earthly oblivion.
We must stop believing that a few will survive,
When our lack of compassion destroys our earth.
All creation is interdependently formed,
Giving each creature equal intrinsic worth.
It is impossible for anyone to predict which action
Will tip The Eternal Universal scale to its end.
I prefer to live each day as if it is my last,
And treat each life form as a trusted friend.
I am ready and willing to become cosmic dust
That nourishes other life forms in the universe.
My personal metamorphosis of matter
Seems to be the reason I was given birth.
I have no dreams about how my energy evolves,
As I had no control over the form I was given.
I only work to bend my aura toward the positive,
And contribute this energy toward universal heaven.