Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My People and My Path

One of the hardest things a parent can do is not to impose our own dreams
On what our children choose to pursue, no matter how futile it seems.
As long as they have a plan that doesn't necessitate our giving,
We must let them define their own ways of making peace with living.

This doesn't mean that we must celebrate every step upon their paths,
But it probably means we shouldn't give our advice unless asked.
I, many times, have had to limit my time and my exposure
When the actions of others brought up issues in which I have no closure.

I have many people in my life; old relationships are most important,
Because they seem to be part of the mission for which I was sent.
Those who have recently come to know me, can't follow the pattern;
They have no way of incorporating the many lessons I have learned.

As a nephew once told me, it is wrong to judge where we are,
Without also knowing the trials we have overcome, so far.
Everything and person that has touched my life is part of who I am;
It is not for me or others to know how we fit into the eternal plan.

1 comment:

  1. I have found I have to absent myself, I am prone to give advice when it it not asked, Well I have been better in the last few years, but I am gamely tempted.

    Lot of truth you speak...
