Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Companionship and Creativity

We finally gave ourselves permission to do what we do best while in Coker Creek. We worked and relaxed with friends instead of staying so much to ourselves. Mary and Don have taken over the management of our property, so we walked into a welcoming ambiance instead of facing the first few days of our stay cleaning cobwebs and mice droppings. Thanks to them, we felt like guests in our own home.

Richard was willing to take time to "go visiting" several of our friends. We actually took rides simply for the sake of enjoying the scenery, while even Richard found occasion to wax ecstatic about the glory of the beauty surrounding us. Nancy and Jim brought along Mary when we met at Tellicafe. We enjoyed all of their company along with a marvelous meal. Being into seafood and local cuisines, I had a great mountain trout stuffed with a shrimp dressing. Is it still sea food when it comes from a mountain stream?

Deborah and David showed us around their antique shop and treated us to the best sweet potato fries on earth at Cotton Pickin'. Richard had good Pasta Alfredo and I had the Eggplant Parmesan. David is quite a character who seems to be giving Deborah a new lease on life. There were no dull moments at that supper.

Several days before that, Richard and I ate at the new Mexican restaurant in Tellico Plains. Who would have predicted that we'd ever see ethnic food added to the country cooking in the Bible belt town of Tellico Plains?

Our final weekend held a great finale with the Coker Creek Autumn Gold Festival.  Richard manned his usual post, collecting money for the Ruritan food concessions while I floated around spending and grinning. Wanda talked me into helping to judge the festival queen contest and I assisted at the Quilts for Kids booth, which is always a joy.

Donna and her co-chairs lead a powerhouse of women creating crafts which they sell to fund quilts that they make and donate to children in medical and other life crises. Their blessings become love on the laps of all these children to whom they offer their compassionate gifts. I guess Donna and her co-chair Delight were meant to meet. Donna's last name is Powers and Delight's is House. Hence: PowerHouse. 

I had a blast meeting so many talented crafters and catching up with so many who stopped by the booth to chat. I met two authors whose autographed books I bought, one at the festival and one at the new Coker Creek Gallery. We also came home with great gifts for friends in Louisiana and some for ourselves to extend our mountain memories until we come back to Coker Creek.

Our next trip won't be very far in the future, as the trip across the street led us to our next commitment. Stephanie, the owner of the gallery, wants assistance in setting up a weaving room. I asked Ralph, whose mother brought weaving to the area, if he'd be willing to help. He has recruited Richard to help him help Stephanie upon our return. I love being a catalyst for creativity.

1 comment:

  1. Good read about some great folk. Yes it is nice to go 'home' and not clean for a couple days.

    It is like a vacation to drive and enjoy nature and good friends.
    Thanks for a good morning visit here.
