Monday, February 4, 2013

Listening and Learning

I can't think of anything more enjoyable than to bask in the success of those I love. Not only did I have the privilege of being at the event announcing my daughter's success as a teacher, on Sacred Sunday, I spent the day with my daughter. We had a leisurely brunch together, followed by something she hasn't allowed me to do with her for many years, help her choose clothing. It seems that she has decided to change her dress style now that she is being so prominently put on display. I used to really know how to dress for success; I'm always proud to share any knowledge I have on any subject with her, anytime she asks. This position in her fashion adviser line-up has opened because her older daughter is now busy with college.

Her younger daughter was busy all week-end preparing for her performance as a tenor saxophone player with the district honor band. I know it was Super Bowl Sunday, but watching my granddaughter share her success was my Super Sacred Sunday celebration. I was blessed with the opportunity, after the concert, to take mother and daughter stars to supper, just the three of us. What a delight it was to be able to converse with my almost fifteen-year-old grandchild in an arena where she felt free to share her life and information on various topics with me.

I'd much prefer to listen and learn from those who are successful than to spend my old age complaining about what a mess we've made of the world. And listening to the youth of our nation, I have great hope for what will come after I'm long gone.

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