Saturday, August 24, 2013

Women as Partners, Not Only Parents

We have been taught that we are incomplete until we allow another to enter our bodies and produce new life coming from the male. We have been told that we must produce children in order to produce life. This is not true. Every day that we interact positively with another living being, we are fruitful, and that fruit multiplies as those we touch, touch others. We, as humans, are capable of channeling our energy into endeavors that can create change. It is important to create a mission for our energies early in our adult lives, so that our focus can always be on positive change. We can use our times of pain to plan how to direct our new energy. Our partners must be willing to be involved in the complete process.
Some stress is necessary to all growth. A seed swells until new life bursts open the "womb" in which it was enclosed. The newborn baby cries out when forced out of the womb. Women work through stress every month after they begin to menstruate. Our wombs "clean house." At this time, we often "clean house" emotionally, expressing pent-up emotions and beginning anew with our most intimate relationships. We are creatures of, not only birth, but rebirth and renewal. Neither birth nor rebirth can happen without stress.
We must be able to give voice to passion as we process memories of the past and burst forth with a new outlook on life. During each period of monthly regeneration, we must draw to us those who are not afraid of our deepest emotions. Our men make a mistake running from and fighting our pain; those who help us in our pain also earn the privilege of sharing in our greatest pleasures. We know that men are capable of this kind of courage and camaraderie; they show it in the workforce and in foxholes with each other. It is time that they see us, and we see ourselves, as potential partners, not only as parents.

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