Friday, June 8, 2012

Wait with Me

How much of love is simply waiting
While our beloved runs life's race,
Though we may still have much to do?

Once we commit to one another,
The opportunities we miss,
May be more than just a few.

Becoming fully one with another,
In marriage and child rearing,
Is like running a three-legged race.

Our ambitions must be tempered,
Our desires put aside for a while.
Do we cut off the other for not keeping pace?

Do we leave our children by the roadside,
As we race through lives of personal pursuit,
Or do we slow our stride to carry them along?

Don Quixote's impossible, solitary quest
Glorified him dying bloodied and alone.
Do we want to live by the lyrics of a song?

Dreaming the impossible dream,
And fighting the unbeatable foe,
Bearing the unbearable sorrow alone?

Or is it better to be bonded in hopes
That we can both become better selves,
Through the making and tending of home?

1 comment:

  1. Now I can easily comprehend the comparing the three legged race to bonding in love, live and marriage.
    That makes much sense. Yes there is waiting and being waited-on! the sharing and matching pace is VERY important.
    But it is so good when the pace is matched and in union there is NO waiting just living.
    Good one.
