Thursday, December 15, 2011

Food Fairy Feats

When my nieces and nephew get together, I'm their food fairy;
Having even this little part of their lives makes me feel merry.
All-you-can-eat good sushi is their favorite "food fairy" treat;
This is what my nieces and nephews wanted me to provide to eat.
It gave us the opportunity to strap the toddlers into high chairs,
And have a bit of adult conversation about in which toddlers don't share.

It wasn't without its moments of challenging by the boys,
But with a four adults to two toddlers, they could not kill our joy.
The waitress was wonderful; she must have children at home;
Of all our special requests, she refused not even one.
Then home with eggnog for grandson to chug-a-lug out of the jug,
And preparing shepherd's pie with my ten-year-old grand love.


  1. Sounds wonderful, Yvette! These are special family moments of great joy!

  2. Hey 'Y' my lady, I have no doubt that YOU are the Food Fairy, and loved every minute by the audience.
    I was just reading my account of our first meeting, a time that is a high light of our traveling.
    Sending love to the Food Fairy,
    Sherry & jack
